
29/08/2018 Quickfit

CrossFit TW18 – 360 QuickFit (Ladies Only)

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10m : Metcon (No Measure)

30s Squat Jumps
30s Rest

30s Squat Jumps
30 Plank UP/Downs
30s Rest

30s Squat Jumps
30s PLank Up Downs
30s Med Ball Clean
30s Rest

30s Squat Jumps
30s PLank Up Downs
30s Med Ball Clean
30s Mountain Climbers
30s Rest

30s Squat Jumps
30s PLank Up Downs
30s Med Ball Clean
30s Mountain Climbers
30s Burpees
30s Rest

4 rds: Metcon (Time)

12 DB Walking Lunges
12 DB Front Squats

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