CrossFit TW18 – CrossFit
Strength & Conditioning
10Min: Back Squat (2×15 @55%)
3Min: Back Squat (1 x 10 @ 1.25 Squat)
– At same weight
– Squat down, Come 1/4 of the way back up, sink down into squat and then come to full extension. Repeat 10x.
25Min: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
200m DB Run*
15 Box Overs RX+ 30/24…RX 24/20
10 Pull Ups
*10 C&J on entry*
– DB’s must be held at all times on the run.
– 10 Hang Clean and Jerk on entry from run.
– Box overs WITHOUT dumbells.
– If you put dumbells down outside, please do not drop them on concrete