CrossFit TW18 – CrossFit
Progressive Tabata EMOM (:10 Rest after each :20 Work)
Round 1…
:20 Hollow Body Hold / :20 Superman Hold
:20 DB Goblet Split Squats (L) / :20 DB Goblet Split Squats (R)
:20 DB Sumo Deadlift (L) / :20 DB Sumo Deadlift (R)
Round 2…
:20 Single Arm DB Hollow Hold (L) / :20 Single Arm DB Hollow Hold (R)
:20 DB Front Rack Step Ups (L) / :20 DB Front Rack Step Ups (R)
:20 DB Russian Swing (L) / :20 DB Russian Swing (R)
Round 3…
:20 Superman Lifts / :20 V-Ups
High box – :20 DB Front Rack Step Ups (L) / :20 DB Front Rack Step Ups (R)
:20 DB Snatch (L) / :20 DB Snatch (R)
Skill Work
Pull Up / Bar Muscle Up
-Australian Pull Up
-Face Pulls
-Lat Pull Down
-Barbell Row
-Tight kip swings
-Big kip swings w/ straight arms
-Kipping Chest to bar with an upright torso (athlete to avoid reaching with the chest)
-Hips to bar
-Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
Metcon (Time)
50 Alt.DB Snatch 15/10 (Rx+22.5/15)
30 Single DB Front Rack Box Step-Ups (24/20)
20 Pull Up (Rx+Bar Muscle-Ups)
30 Single DB Front Rack Box Step-Ups (24/20)
50 Alt. DB Snatch
15min Time Cap — Get as far as you can!