CrossFit TW18 – Open Gym
Strength & Conditioning
Metcon (No Measure)
“Warm Up…
2 rounds…
10 Weigthed Shoulder Ext
20 Hip Openers
10 Downward Dog Dive Bombs”
“Pull-Ups….50 reps
Green & Black – 10/7/3/7/3/6/4/7/3
(as many sets to complete)”
3 Rounds..
8 Barbell Rows 20kg
8 Pull-downs 2Red & Black Band Knees
8 e/a 1 Arm Rows 7.5kg
“3 Rounds…
4min AMRAP
8 DB Hang Clean & Press
8 DB Front Squats
3min Rest
*Count Rounds & Reps over each 3 rounds*”
“EMOM…9min…3 Rounds
30s Work 30s Rest
30s – DB Side Raises
30s – DB Front Raises
30s – DB Upright Rows
*Use a Controlled and Smooth Form when lifting dont rush and dont swing the body*”