CrossFit TW18 – CrossFit
Team WoD
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
WoD 1#…
In Pairs Complete.
5min AMRAP
Max DUs
5 KBRDL 16/12
5 Squats
5 Push Ups
3min Rest…
WoD 2#…
15min AMRAP…
32 Box Step Ups 10/5
20 DB Shoulder Press
20 Ring Rows
20 Burpees
3min Rest…
WoD 3#…
P1 Rows for Cals while P2 Complete RDS on Movements.
12min AMRAP
Max Cal Row
7 Goblet Squats 20/16
7 Russian KBS 20/16
7 KBS High Pull 20/16
(Score will be 2 parts row (cals = additional Reps) and rounds on movements)
3min Rest…
WoD 4#…
Tabata 20s work 10s Rest
Mountain Climbers
Plank Side To Side
In & Outs