CrossFit TW18 – CrossFit
5min Brief…
Athlete Goal…
Strict Isolation in Movement creating that mind muscle element.
Athlete Focus…
Quality of form throughout every movement.
Total Time…
46min Skill & Conditioning
Skill Work
Strength – Stability – Mobility
In Teams of 3…
25s Work 15s Change
4 Rounds…
25s Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs
25s Arni Press 12.5/7.5-10/5
25s PVC Passover’s
4 Rounds…
25s Banded MU
25s Negatives 22.5/15 15/12.5
25s Thoracic Smash Bar/Roller
Metcon (No Measure)
25min EMOM
40s MU Progression
40s DB Strict…
20s Upright Row 12.5/7.5-10/5
20s Shoulder Press
100m Sprint (Fast Run)
40s 20s Burpees
20s Up Downs
40s DUs