
CrossFit TW18 Staines

CrossFit TW18 – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds
8 Kneeling KB Press
15 Band Walks e/l
12 Side Plank Rotation e/s
20 Mountain Climbers

Metcon (Time)

500m row
9 sumo deadlift high pull
9 burpee over bar
9 thrusters

500m row
12 sumo deadlift high pull
12 burpee over bar
12 thrusters

500m row
15 sumo deadlift high pull
15 burpee over bar
15 thrusters

500m row
18 sumo deadlift high pull
18 burpee over bar
18 thrusters

500m row
21 sumo deadlift high pull
21 burpee over bar
21 thrusters

RX = 30/20kg

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